Friday, April 7, 2017

UOD: April 7, 2017

I happened to be on when someone reminded General Chat that there was an EM event. This particular event allowed me to experience the Enemy of One spam that others have mentioned on Stratics.

Again, I find myself woefully ignorant about the current story line. Something about Trinsic and elves?

Due to lag, I made it to the fighting grounds well after the battle had already begun. As the battle progressed, Nestor and I started experiencing screen flashing and lots of lag. I thought it was part of some spell the bosses were casting.

After some reading, I found out that it's due to this lovely spam. I won't pretend to know why it happens or whether the casters intended for it, but it lagged Nestor out so badly he crashed on his very nice computer and I became frozen for over a minute.

I enjoy EM Bennu's chitchats after the event. Sometimes he'll help clarify something from the event, other times he'll have his own thoughts on how the event went, and still other times he'll share funny quips from his end of things. I can see why he's been an EM for so long.

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