You know what I haven't had enough of? The new house craftables. 18.5 hours of work in 3 just days wasn't enough for me. I really enjoyed the repetitious clicking of thousands of tiles of flooring, walls, doors, and gozas. You know what would really make me happy? Someone buying a castle and asking me to build it up.
In case you didn't know, there was some level of sarcasm in the previous paragraph.
Actually, I was the one who let Nestor know that this castle was for sale. I'm the one who told him the keep was for sale, now that I think about it. When it comes down to it, I'm the one to blame for all of the work I take on.
I did not think this castle would be as difficult as it has been. The previous owner had built up the castle, and at first glance I thought I would have minimal work to do.
The previous owner had done what we did with the keep: build the 3rd floor above the tiered roof. What he failed to do, however, was everything that was important (to me) when building up the house.
For one, he did not close any gaps left over from raising the 3rd floor above the tiered roof. At the bottom right of the screenshot above, you can see how the top of the northeast tower has gaps between the short rough walls and the stone pavers.
The previous owner also did not properly set up the build to create a seamless transition from old house to add-ons.
See how the west walls in the above hallway are offset from the westmost walls of the towers? That shouldn't happen if you've raised the floors and built the walls correctly. To give the previous owner credit, the "correct" way is incredibly time consuming and not everyone knows it. It was annoying enough to me, however, that I decided I had to fix it.
This little picture should give you an idea of what I meant from my post about the Keep - go outside the house and place the pavers along the outer edge of the foundation, double click to lock the pavers down, then go inside and use your interior decorating tool to raise the pavers up.
I started fixing the castle by doing this, only I very quickly ran into a very large problem.
The house craftables don't hide when you use the circle of transparency. That means if you're trying to fix the foundations and pavers like I was, you can't even see the foundation.
This is a more recent screenshot to demonstrate what I mean. I can place some of the pavers along the foundation, but if I wanted those pavers along the entire north or west wall, I wouldn't be able to see or place anything behind the already-placed craftables.
There are two ways around this. One way is to empty the client's cached houses (an incredibly time consuming process, as it has to be redone once for every single tile you want to lay down at the foundation) and the other is to completely tear down the house craftables. If you'd like a tutorial on the first method, let me know.
As for this castle, I weighed my options and decided that tearing down the previous owner's work was the best course of action. Nestor offered to help tear down the house, which really sped up the deconstruction process. Removing the 3rd and 4th floor from the castle took about two hours.
We did leave the 1st and 2nd floor courtyard work, as it didn't interfere with anything I planned to do and Nestor liked how it looked.
While we were tearing down the castle, someone happened to pop a treasure chest nearby. It was interesting turning a corner of the castle and coming face to face with an ancient wyrm.
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