Tuesday, March 21, 2017

UOD: March 21, 2017

I've spent several hours in Deceit killing mummies. Why, you ask? Small hedge seeds, of course!

Initially I spent some time in the solen hives killing ant lions, but their respawn time is pretty low and each lion nest only has one mob versus this room's two mummies. Twice the opportunity for seeds!

Since we've become addicted to treasure map hunting, I looked into mobs that drop level 6 maps. Miasma seemed really promising, so Nestor and I headed off there to kill to our heart's content.

We ended up getting four chests and four treasure maps after about 40 minutes of killing. Not too shabby, but our packs were full and we needed to unload. By the time we got back, someone else had taken up residence at the spawn and we decided to move on.

We've come to appreciate the frequency of Virtue's Live Auction. If I see the gate and I'm not busy I find myself spending my time sitting in on the auction. I've only bought two things - a fire elemental costume and raised garden bed - but it's fun to see the interactions that take place.

I'm weird about my fame and karma levels. I prefer for them to be in the same range, so if my karma starts outstripping my fame due to unfortunate happenings (read: deaths) I tend to do things that lower my karma.

One of the things I will do is kill cu sidhes. Or rather, provoke anything and everything onto the cu sidhes, sit back, and enjoy myself. If something rare colored ever spawns I will either hop onto my tamer and attempt the tame solo or call Nestor over to tame the pup. Since I am laggy 100% of the time, I usually opt for the option where I'm the support instead of the main. Less deaths overall occur when I do that.

I had a fun random interaction with some bank sitters earlier this month. I was organizing some stuff in my bank when someone came up and started talking to me like a long lost fiend. "Hi, Karma! Come meet my friends! Friends, meet Karma! Come sit with us! Talk!" After some digging around I realized that this person was very likely an alt of someone I frequently run champion spawns with.

The conversation was pretty standard for a long time group of friends, bringing back some serious nostalgia for me. It's been many years since I've played with my old groups of friends, as we've all fallen out of touch. This was a nice call back to those days.

Eventually the person who invited me to sit with the group left and I excused myself. It was a random diversion, but definitely welcome.


  1. Ah, bank sitters. Back in our heyday, our little group called it bank skanking. I MISS THOSE DAYS SO MUCH! *flees in tears*

    I'm getting anxious for Casey to get his internet going because he says he wants to start playing UO again. I think I can finally play somewhat more decently (lol) now that I'm the only one using our internet here at home. I really need to just log on and spend a good amount of time going through all the junk in my main house. Things meant to build suits or enhance or repair. I need better suits for almost all of my characters. I need to finish furnishing the place too. It just looks like a dirty garage now, with boxes of junk all over. LOL!


    1. Bank skanking. I like it! LOL

      If Casey starts playing again, will you be playing with him?

      I'm super psyched about the pet revamp on Test Center. I've spent a fair amount of time there training up and testing out the system with my pets. I have a black cu that is a beast at bursting damage, and I also have a unicorn with 1003 hp! @.@

      I feel like all of Nestor's houses are a hodgepodge of junk. I haven't really decorated anything since the Trammel tower was placed. I need to get to work!

    2. I'm *hoping* to play with Casey. He finally got his internet working, and reactivated his own UO account yesterday but then had to go to bed because he had to work last night. He has Ark (Arc?) downloaded now too. He said "I punched a tree until I could make a shirt, then I went to bed." Whatever that means. lol

