Tuesday, March 10, 2015

UOD: March 10, 2015

I'm finally at a point with my greenhouse that I'm willing to share what I've done. It's still a work in progress and it'll take time for me to get the entire house to a point I'm satisfied with, but I'm happy enough right now that I'm willing to share it.
The room closest to the house sign will be the vendor shop. It'll mainly house plants and plant byproducts, with maybe one vendor selling miscellaneous goods. The room behind the counter will be my vendor storage and, for RP purposes, the 'office' of this house where my characters will do all her finances.
The room my character is in is one of the plant nurseries. I chose to set up the plants like this to force myself to limit how many plants I grow all at once. Also, it looks more practical. Right now I have 40 plants started. Even then, I think I may have planted too many given the amount of space I gave myself for putting the plants after they've matured.
Here's the 2nd floor of the nursery and some more green grass to put the matured plants on. The rest of the house is living space for my characters. The room at the top will be a bedroom. The room with the stairs will have the kitchen.
The room my character is in will be a miscellaneous crafting area. I'm sure you can figure out which room will be another bedroom. I'm not quite sure what I want to do with the porch. Maybe create a simple sitting area to enjoy the view?
When ransacking Atlantic's vendors for plant seeds, I was disappointed to find that I could not find as wide a variety as I initially thought I'd be able to. I was sure I would be able to start off with every plant, every color, every variety. Now I realize that was just wishful thinking on my part. Currently I'm growing plants that will not be cross-pollinated. I just need to build up a stock of seeds so I don't run out of a certain type while trying to cross and create new varieties of plants. I know a lot of older cross-pollination charts are outdated or useless, mainly when dealing with the cactus varieties of plants, so I'll keep an eye out on vendors for the cacti seeds.
Phew, looking at all this makes me realize that I've gotten quite a lot done in the past several days!


  1. Nice. I can't wait to get going with plants again. Still trying to get my house done and basic needs replenished before I start up gardening again. I'll have to do some reading to see just what's all available/possible these days.


    1. I haven't looked at the plant crossing charts for the newer additions since they first came out. So much of it has to do with chance it can be disheartening at times.
      Did you place a classic house or customize your own design? Have you had any luck getting your hands on the fall decor?

    2. I could have sworn I replied to this but I don't see it.

      I placed a 14x12 plot north of Vesper (Lake Superior), right next to the water and very close to where we had our very first house so many years ago. I'm still trying to get it decorated since I lost most of my things like tapestries and paintings. Checked some vendors and found a couple things. Am trying to mine enough stone to make my vases and furniture like I used to have. Did a quick vendor search for the cornucopia just to see if they were out there but didn't find any.

