Friday, January 20, 2017

UOD: January 20, 2017

The Classic Client play window resize is here! This was supposed to go out with Publish 96, which is on Test Center. Seeing as it's a graphical update, production shards can also use the new game screen options. There are some bugs to work out (items and player names load in once they get within the range of the old screen size, for example) but it's definitely a game changer.

One down side I've noticed is that houses don't look as big anymore. LOL! I was checking out a supposed 18x18 that was for sale and I couldn't believe it was an 18x18 even when I used my house placement tool to test the sizing. When I recalled back to my own home, I realized it looked too small to be an 18x18 as well.

My friend, Nestor, has continued looking at old accounts and seeing what they have to offer. I took on several of his accounts when he left the game almost a decade ago, and I'll continue paying for those accounts, but he now has complete access to them. He did reactivate an account I didn't bother to pay for and he's having fun training up a character on Atlantic.

He's had a few silly noob moments that I'm glad to see him take in stride. He found a powerscroll for 120 Magery through the vendor search option that was 10 million gold cheaper than other vendors, so he created the map and checked the vendor out. Something about the map seemed different to him, but he paid it no mind once he saw that the vendor had several nice 120 powerscrolls for sale. He bought the scroll and spent some time checking out the vendors' other offerings. Unfortunately for him, this was in Fel and there was a thief waiting in hiding to steal the powerscroll right out of his backpack - and put it back on the vendor. He was able to laugh off the situation once he realized what had happened and got out of there. The situation along with other little things has given him an aversion to Fel, now, which I find funny because I've always known him to prefer Fel and thrive on the possibility of PvP interaction there.

For my characters' training, I went ahead and created another character so I could train up the other skills I wanted. On my original crafter I got to 120 blacksmithing. On this new character I've trained 100 cooking, 100 carpentry, and now I'm gathering resources to train my alchemy and possibly inscription.

I was incorrect when I thought I would be able to buy bulk reagents from player vendors. It appears these things aren't kept in stock anymore, so I'll have to go through NPC Mages and Alchemists to build up my reagent stash. Bummer, but at least I know now and have time to build up that stash.

My plants are continuing to grow. I haven't gotten to the point where I can cross pollinate certain plants yet, but they're coming along.

I've seen what feels like an increase in activity on both Lake Austin and Atlantic. Perhaps it's just that I'm on often enough to see the natural interaction that occurs in the game now. All I know is the game doesn't feel as dead as I think. I guess that's what you can expect when you take a 5 minute snapshot of a shard's activity levels versus several hours of each day/week.

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