The past two days have been quite fun. An old friend returned to the game.
Part of said friend returning involved lots of voice chats and me hopping on the enhanced client to walk him through setting up macros and how to set up his play window.
We went on a semi-successful run through Destard with one of his greater dragons. His dragons are from before one of the patches that buffed up dragons quite a bit, so his dragon didn't do too well in a situation where several greater dragons and regular dragons teamed up on him. We should have been fine on keeping his dragon alive. Unfortunately, my companion ran out of bandages, panicked, then started running away, spamming "all follow me." Half of the greater dragons targeted him, almost killing him, and his pet ended up dying while I tried to keep him alive. Oops.
Fortunately, his dragon was bonded so we were able to resurrect him, but the experience put an end to our little adventure. From there, his attentions turned instead to "how do I get a better greater dragon? What do I need?" And we started scouring the forums and vendor pet stalls in New Magincia.
During some down time when he was checking out his characters' skills and soulstones, I tended to my plants and planted a few more. Nothing much, as I don't want to overwhelm myself.
We kept switching between Lake Austin and Atlantic in our activities, and it was nice to see the chat and bank full of people every time we stopped running around.
I haven't had the chance to run any Naturalist quests due to this, but I can't say I'm too torn up about that. :)
I mentioned this elsewhere already but Destard used to be one of my 'favorite' dungeons. I'm such a baby about playing harder areas, so it was an ego boost for me when my warrior learned to solo drakes and dragons there. They've made it harder now, with more and meaner beasties, and since I've lost all my play companions, I tend to just stay away from it now. =(
Shame was the first dungeon I ever consistently worked in, way back in the baby years of my character. As my tamer progressed, my attentions switched to Destard and I too had an ego boost at how easy that place eventually became.
DeleteI don't think I've touched any expansion content beyond Stygian Abyss, unless you count crafting. Even for SA, I've done incredibly little.
I haven't either. I don't even remember what came with what anymore. I remember hubby was still playing when the Tokuno (sp) islands were introduced. We did a lot of time at the something or other dojo, killing those fan dancer ladies. Gah! Can't even remember what things are called! We did a little exploring in that expansion but he was already on his way out by then. I've done almost nothing in the gargoyle city expansion. I was working imbuing for a while in the city, but the only hunting or exploring I've done is only just right outside the city where those big cow yak ox looking things are. I'm just too chicken to go explore because I don't have anyone playing with me to help me out or save me when I die. LOL