Friday, March 10, 2017

UOD: March 10, 2017

We have spent a fair amount of time working on treasure maps since I trained up my skills. I've still had 4 or 5 troublesome maps. Above you can see what I do when I get truly desperate. This particular chest was in the middle of nowhere, with all identifying landmarks very far away from the chest. It made it very hard for me to pinpoint the exact location of the chest. Eventually I started placing down cloth to help remember where I had already tried digging. I learned from this map that I can pinpoint harder to find chests by using several landmarks instead of just relying on one.

Nestor picked up a tower in Fel so we could PvP like we used to in years long past. I suppose the same results could be achieved by creating a guild together, but I'm starting to look possibly joining one of the larger PvM guilds on the shard. I wouldn't mind having a group I could consistently run champion spawns with.

I took some time to redo my suit. I've now completely replaced the original mage suit I bought for 1.7 mil and replaced it with a complete suit that has 79% SDI and 27 mana regeneration. Even though I had originally decided that I didn't need the full 3/7 FC/FCR due to my high ping, I thought I would try for it to see if I did notice a difference. It's very small, and during high lag times I may as well not have it any faster casting, but the overall power of this suit versus my previous one made the trouble all worth it. All in all I spent about 4.5 million gold. Perhaps pricey, but I realized that a good suit dictates my success in everything I do in the game. If there's something to splurge on, it would be my suit.

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