Have you ever wanted to customize your house, but had to deal with random stuff in the middle of your design that you really don't want to have to move around?
See this? Some of these boxes are too heavy to easily pick up and move around! Picking it up and running with it will only exhaust your character. If you have something on the first floor that you want on the third floor, but it's 30k+ stones, you have no choice but to accept that it's staying on the first floor or you'll take three and a half years to walk it tile by tile upstairs! Right?
See the first picture.
While we jokingly called it a forest and a masterpiece in this screenshot, it actually had a purpose. In committing a design that had a random item (say, a huge log) in every slot that we'd previously had items on, you move everything into the moving crate. For some, that makes it measures easier to then create your actual design and start fresh in decorating it.
This also saves you the trouble of having to try and grab that one silly plant or item that's floating in the middle of the air in your new design.
Don't look at me like that. You know exactly what I'm talking about, if you spend any measure of your UO life decorating/customizing.
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