The top corner, just for completion's sake.
Floor 1 - Entryway. Here you can see the outdoor walkway I'd had, as well as the 'spooky' themed decor I went with. If you look at the walls of the design as well you can see that I'd gone with the broken walls to add to the Halloween theme. In the top left you can see the beginning of my trademark runebook library, though I've yet to actually set it up. Somehow it's not as rewarding, since I know nobody will use it.
Here you can see my soulforge/crafting corner. I still love using benches to act as a shelf above my forge. Let's not pay attention to the fact that in the real world, storage above a forge would be very impractical. :)
Here you can see the library I set up for the 2nd floor, as well as the second story of the runebook library and what is intended as a vendor room and public service area, complete with portals and dye tubs.
Finally you have the master bedroom with a little reading nook outside. At this point I still use reading nooks to fill otherwise empty spaces. Outside you can see my little cooking setup. The bedroom is rather sparse, with just a bed and some chests of drawers, and the extra writing room isn't decorated very much either.
Most of the sparseness of this house is due to it not really being 'lived' in. In the screenshots of other designs, I'd fully used and decorated the house as I went about my daily business and had my adventures. Here, I don't think there will be much more to the house, so I went ahead and called it finished. As you can see there is plenty of space in front of the bed for me to add stuff, but at this point I'd reached a block in terms of decorating ideas. Part of it is the fact that it's been so long since I've done any customizing and decorating to this level. The rest is just that I know I won't really use this house. The world of UO is unfortunately dying, but I'll help it hold on until its last breath.