Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kammie's Custom House Designs: December 2010

 This is another Test Center design, but it's while trying to better incorporate my runebooks into the house design without having to create a complete separate structure for the runebooks. It's also where I work with some Winter themed decor. This is also where I began adding more porches to my designs in an attempt to prevent the houses from looking too large and blocky.
By this point I had incorporated a soulforge into my design, and the bottom floor had become my crafting floor. Here you can see that I was still fond of the 'little stable' outside the house.
I'd also taken to adding a spare bedroom or two around this time, as well as an "arty" area where I just threw all of the rares I had collected. If you look closely at the stairs leading up to the third floor, you can see two wooden boxes hidden in the stairs. What better way to kick back and read than by your secret stash of goods?
On the top floor we have my bedroom, as well as my storage room, complete with skeletons and whatnot from trick-or-treating a few months prior. At this point I loved using reading nooks to fill in spaces I otherwise couldn't find a purpose for.
In this design you can also see the result of the new Treasure Map system - mainly the new vines hanging on either side of the door on the 2nd story porch.

At this point I'm very angry with myself. There were at least 6 house designs between February and December that I can clearly see in old screenshots, but I failed to go through and take screenshots like this. Previous ones are incomplete screenshots of the house, or while the house was in progress, or including some old friends and some text that would take away from the design. I thought I was more thorough at documenting my house designs.

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